Month: April 2023

pet related service

Cruelty in Our Streets: The Inhumane Treatment towards Community Pets by Humans

A few days back, one of the gentlemen in our society made a statement that “Are we paying such high maintenance bills to have these stray dogs around?”. He might have been trying to make a point regarding the high society maintenance bills. Another lady around said, “I don’t feel safe when I visit the marketplace because there are too many dogs”. And she was

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pet care service

Life of a pet parent

Welcome to the life of a pet parent, where every day is filled with surprises, laughter, and maybe even a little bit of frustration.

As a pet parent, I've come to realize that my life is no longer my own. It's completely ruled by the needs and whims of my furry little companions. Here are some observations about life as a pet parent that I'm

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